Robert Morris University (RMU)
March 2020
Robert Morris University is a private university in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. It also has a branch campus in downtown Pittsburgh. It enrolls nearly 5,000 students and offers 60 bachelor's degree programs and 35 master's and doctoral programs:
RMU has taken an aggressive stance concerning cyber research and education, from the advancement of its formal education curriculum in cybersecurity and law enforcement to the creation of a Center for Cyber Research and Training (CCRT) with the primary goal of promoting cyber programs at all levels. Toward that end, RMU has established partnerships with nationally known cyber professionals and cyber organizations in pursuit of opportunities for raising awareness of this latest threat to national, corporate, and personal security.
Participation in the AFA CyberCamp Program. RMU has partnered with the University of Pittsburgh to host over 300 high school students in the AFA CyberCamp program. In addition to delivering the AFA curriculum, the university enhanced the program with stellar speakers including university presidents, military cyber experts, and directors of cyber institutes and centers (including Mr. David Hickton, former US Attorney and principal investigator of cyber crimes perpetrated by international offenders). T
Promotion and CyberPatriot Program. The Director of the RMU CCRT - Dr. Lawrence Tomei - sits on the CyberPatriot Board of Advisors and has promoted CyberPatriot in an issue of the new International Journal of Cyber Research and Education. The journal provides an international audience for scholars and practitioners to address emerging cyber and law enforcement challenges that are growing in scope and urgency.
Success in building partnerships. The CCRT Board of Advisors (BOA) consists of over 20 military, civic, community, industry, and education partners all of whom support the CCRT efforts with respect to CyberPatriot. From the military, we have a retired United States Air Force four-star general and former Director of the National Security Agency, retired rear admiral and Executive Vice President of Cybersecurity and Intelligence Dynamic Technology Solutions, Inc., President and CEO for National Cyber Forensics & Training Alliance, and Commander of the 960th Cyberspace Operations Group, among others. From the civic and local community, we have the Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of several mid-size and large cyber corporations. From education, members of the CCRT BOA include FBI Chair at the Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy and the faculty of the RMU Computer and Information Systems and Criminal Justice Program. Each of these board members represents cyberrelated partners committed to the goals of the AFA CyberPatriot program.
Demonstration of Support and Recognition to CyberPatriot participants. RMU has revealed its commitment to the CyberPatriot Program by staffing, funding, and promoting the Center for Cyber Research and Training. Since August 2017, the CCRT has embarked on establishing a new international journal to broadcast the results of current cyber-related research. The CCRT has hosted successful workshops in dark web investigations, women in technology, and a conference focusing on Forensic Innovations. In direct support of CyberPatriot participants, CyberCamps co-hosted by Pitt and RMU have garnered grants and donations from well-known corporations so that no participants are prevented from attending camp due to financial challenges.
CyberPatriot Elementary School Education Initiative (ESEI). From the RMU School of Education and Social Sciences, RMU will begin using the ESEI curriculum in teacher in-service field experiences in March 2019. Preservice candidate will teach lessons as presented in the ESCEI 2.0 Instructor's Guide to students in grades K-6. RMU field experiences touch several school districts and hundreds of students. After teaching the lessons, candidates will provide the package of ESECI materials to the host teacher so that the lessons can be repeated and expanded to other classrooms.