*Camp locations provided at the bottom of this page*
Attending an AFA CyberCamp is the perfect way to get introduced to the world of cybersecurity! Many students who attend a standard AFA CyberCamp go on to participate in CyberPatriot's National Youth Cyber Defense Competition during the school year. Get a head start on your STEM career and experience what makes CyberPatriot the best National Youth Cyber Education Program!
There is no set age requirement for either Standard or Advanced CyberCamps, however, it is recommended that the attendees are of middle school or high school age.
SKILL REQUIREMENTS (Choose the camp that's right for you)
Standard CyberCamp attendees do not need to have any prior knowledge of cybersecurity to participate. Some very basic knowledge of computer hardware (knowing how to use a mouse, browse the internet, identify common computer icons, etc.) is helpful but not necessary.
Advanced CyberCamp attendees must possess some prior knowledge. Most of the Advanced curriculum builds on material covered by our Standard camp and also draws from the activities/tasks in the CyberPatriot competition. Prior exposure to CyberPatriot or similar skill levels are recommended.
A basic English reading level is essential for both as many individual and group activities are written directives and students must work alone or within small groups to accomplish tasks.
Camp hosts may charge a fee for their camp. Approved camp hosts may recoup the cost they paid for their AFA CyberCamp kits but are not permitted to make a profit off of the camp. Costs might vary depending on the host organization. Interested parties will need to contact the host directly.
AFA CyberCamps are facilitated by third-party organizations who sign up to host a camp. Because of this structure, camps are held in various locations throughout the United States. If you do not find a camp in your immediate area, there may be a camp accepting students in a nearby community. Not all cities and states will have camps, and some camps may be held virtually.
The organization hosting the camp has the option to display their contact information for interested parties. Not all camps will open their location to the public and may decline our offer to advertise their camp. The list and map below includes information on 2024 camp locations and contact information (where applicable). This information will be updated for the 2025 camp season once camp hosts have registered their locations.
The CyberPatriot Program Office DOES NOT register students for individual camps. Approved hosts are responsible for registering students for their camps. Please contact the specific camp you are interested in attending. (NOTE: Not all camp hosts will offer public registrations and some may have limited space. Due to privacy policies, we are only able to advertise camp information with the hosts' permission.)
View 2024 CyberCamp locations and dates
*The above spreadsheet has been updated with camp specific registration information from those camps that wished to share their information.
Only camps that responded to a survey asking us to promote their camp with have additional information provided.
Questions about attending a camp?
Contact your nearest camp or AFACyberCamps@uscyberpatriot.org