CP-XVII Competition Challenges and Scoring Values
​​​​​​​​Pre-Competition Season
(Scores do not count)​
Training Round 1: 09/06/24 - 10/07/24
All teams compete​
​Images Open & All Service Divisions​Middle School Division​​
​Windows 10 (Answer Key) *Easy Difficulty​X​X
​Server 2019 (Answer Key) *Easy Difficulty​X​X
​Ubuntu 22 (Answer Key) *Easy Difficulty​X​X
Practice​ Round: 10/10/24 - 10/20/24
All teams compete​ ​ ​ ​
ImagesOpen & All Service DivisionsMiddle School Division
​Windows 11​ (Answer Key)
​Mint 21 (No Answer Key)​X​X
​Server 2022 (Answer Key)​X​X
​Ubuntu 22 (Answer Key)​XX
Cisco NetAcad Challenge
​Networking Quiz: Modules 1-2​X​X
​Packet Tracer: Modules Intro​X​X
Training Round 2: 10/31/24 - 12/10/24
All teams compete​​

Images Open & All Service DivisionsMiddle School Division
​Windows 10 (Answer Key) *Medium Difficulty​X​X
​Server 2019 (Answer Key) *Easy Difficulty​X​​X
​Ubuntu 22 (Answer Key) *Medium Difficulty​X​X

​​​Competition Rounds
(Scores count)
Point values are shown for each division's challenges. All images, challenges, and values are subject to change. ​ ​ ​ ​
​Round 1: 10/24/24 - 10/27/24
High School Divisions Only
​ImagesOpen & All Service Divisions
​Windows 10​100
​Ubuntu 22​100
​Cisco NetAcad Challenge
​Networking Quiz: Modules 3-7​10
​Packet Tracer: Modules 1-7​20
​Total Points Possible230
High School Divisions Round 2 and Middle School Division Introductory Round: 11/14/24 - 11/17/24
All teams compete
Images​Open & All Service Division​Middle School Division
​Windows 11​100​100
​Server 2022​100
​Mint 21​100​100
Cisco NetAcad Challenge
​Networking Quiz: Modules 8-11​10​10
​Packet Tracer: Modules 1-11​20​20
​Total Possible Points330230
State Round: 12/12/24 - 12/15/24
High school teams start with a clean slate, but middle school teams will not
​Images​Platinum Tier
(Top 30% of teams)
​Gold Tier
(Middle 40% of teams)​
​Silver Tier
(Bottom 30% of teams)
​Middle School Division
​Server 2019​100​100​100​100
​Windows 10​​100100100100
​Ubuntu 22100100100100
Cisco NetAcad Challenge
​Networking Quiz: Modules 12-15​30​30​30​10
​Packet Tracer: Modules 1-15​70​70​70​20
​Total Possible Points400​400​400​330
Semifinals: 01/23/25 - 01/25/25​​
Open Division - 25% of teams in each tier plus state wildcards advance.
All Service Division - 25% of teams in each tier in each category advance.
Middle School Division - 60% of teams advance. See rules book
​ImagesPlatinum Tier​Gold Tier​Silver TierMiddle School Division
​Windows 11​​100​100
​Mint 21​100​100​100​100
​Server 2022​​100​100​100​100
​Cisco NetAcad Challenge​​
​Networking Quiz: Modules 16-18​72​30​30​10
​Packet Tracer: Modules 1-18​​​168​70​70​20
CyberPatriot Web-Based Challenge​80​NA​NA​NA​
​​Boeing Cyber-Physical System Challenge​80​80​80​NA
​Total Possible Points​700​480​380​230